The Flutter Blog is Full of Tooth Fairy Tales

Want to learn more about the Tooth Fairy? Did you know that the Tooth Fairy collects over 300,000 teeth per night! Wow! That’s a lot of teeth! Did you ever wonder where all those teeth go? You can find that out and more when you read our Tooth Fairy tales on the FlutterBlog.

This section of the Tooth Fairy Blog is about inspiring children in different ways to take care of their healthy teeth with proper oral hygiene.

The Dental Duo! Dentist & Tooth Fairy

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Take a look in the mirror and make your biggest, goofiest smile. What do you see? There are probably some shiny, healthy teeth waving back at you. Or maybe you can see a tooth that’s starting to wiggle a bit when you touch it? And maybe – just maybe – there’s a hole where a loose tooth used to be.

Say hello to a couple of friendly folks who care as much about your pearly whites as you do. First up, drumroll please! 

The dentist!

Going to the dentist might feel a little scary, because you don’t know what to expect. But trust us on this: the dentist is like your smile’s own personal Super Detective, always looking for clues. Do your chompers look and feel they way they’re supposed to? Are the new ones coming in straight? Whatever’s going on with your healthy grin, your dentist is always on the case.

But who’s got you covered when one of those amazing teeth of yours decides to pack a little suitcase and take a permanent vacation from your smile? You guessed it: the one and only, often imitated but never duplicated….

Tooth Fairy!

Everyone knows that when you lose a tooth, something magical is about to happen. That night, when you’re getting ready for bed (after you brush your teeth), you put the lost tooth in your tooth pillow. After the lights are out and you’re fast asleep, guess who shows up looking for that tooth?

The Tooth Fairy, quiet as can be, flies into your room on wings covered in pixie dust. Speaking of pixie dust – does anybody know what it’s made of? We think it’s glitter and cinnamon sprinkles, but we can’t be sure.

The Tooth Fairy checks to make sure the coast is clear – and that you’re actually snoozing and not just pretending to snooze. Because we know you’re sneaky like that. Once she knows nobody’s looking, the Tooth Fairy reaches under your pillow, grabs your tooth, and slips it into her Secret  Glittery Bag of Lost Teeth. Can’t you just hear them, jingle-jangling together in there?

In exchange for your tooth, the Tooth Fairy leaves a little gift. It might be a note, it might be a little present… and it might even be… money!

Once the gift is safely under your pillow, the Tooth Fairy takes a bow and flies away into the night with your lost tooth. The next morning, you wake up with a little surprise waiting for you.

Hang on, we have a few questions from the audience. We’ll start with you, over there with your hand up. What’s your question?

Are the dentist and the Tooth Fairy the same person?

No way, Jose! They’re totally different people with the same love for good dental hygiene.

Can I write to the Tooth Fairy?

You sure can! We’ve got a way for you to send a letter to the Tooth Fairy right now. 

Can I tell the Tooth Fairy what I want in exchange for my teeth?

Well, the Tooth Fairy is always open to good ideas, but she tends to love the element of surprise. In other words, you never know what you might get!

What does the Tooth Fairy do with my teeth?

Good question! Find out here! 

How can I keep my teeth healthy?

We’re so happy that you asked! Here’s a list of the top 10 tooth brushing habits you should work on for healthy teeth and gums. 

Now that you know a little more about the Dynamic Duo of Dental Health (say that five times fast!), you know that the healthier your teeth are, the happier these two champions of strong chompers will be.

Got more questions about the dentist or the Tooth Fairy? We want to hear them! Be sure to ask Mom and Dad to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more Tooth Fairy news!

Take Care of Your Teeth to Take Care of Yourself! (Oral Hygiene for Kids)

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Whether you still have all of your baby teeth, or you have a mix of baby teeth, permanent teeth, and a few empty spaces, taking care of your whole mouth is one of the most important jobs you’ll do every day. Your mouth is a pretty big deal, isn’t it? You need it to eat and drink, to talk, to laugh or smile, and to breathe! If you really think about it, you are using your mouth in some way every single minute of the day! Because it’s so important, we came up with some ways to help you keep your hard-working smile in tip-top shape.

Teeth Work Hard – Keep Them Clean

Taking care of your teeth is one of the best things you can do to keep your whole mouth healthy. Brush your teeth twice a day, every day, for 2 full minutes. We found some great videos to help you learn the best way to brush. You will also need to floss your teeth with dental floss once a day. If you use mouthwash, make sure you follow the directions from your parents or dentist. Swallowing mouthwash can make you sick – yuck! Just swish it around and then spit it all out into the sink.

Brushing and flossing helps remove all the germs that stick to your teeth throughout the day. These germs are called plaque, and if you don’t keep up with good dental habits, that plaque will get hard and start to cause problems. Show off your sparkling smile with clean and healthy teeth.

A Healthy Body Starts with a Healthy Mouth

Your body runs on fuel in the form of food and drink. The only way to get that fuel into your body is through your mouth. Not only do foods and drinks affect your teeth, but your body uses them to do its whole job every day. A big part of having a healthy mouth is eating and drinking things that are nutritious.

Water is the best thing you can drink, so make sure you get plenty of it! Try to skip juices and sugary drinks except for extra special treats. The sugar in these drinks turns to acid on your teeth. Your saliva helps to wash away that acid, but it can’t get it all if you have too much of it. Crunchy fruits and vegetables are a great treat for your teeth and your whole body! They give your teeth a good workout, get your saliva working to clean your mouth, and they have healthy vitamins that make the best kind of fuel for your body.

Healthy proteins and grains are other foods that make good fuel for your body, but these are foods that can sneak in between teeth when you are chewing. Remember when we mentioned flossing?  Dental floss will help clean tiny bits of food out from between your teeth so that you get all the benefits and none of the trouble.

Preventing Teeth Problems

The best way to care for your mouth is to stop problems before they have a chance to start. First, make sure you visit the dentist for regular check-ups, and pay attention to any instructions he or she gives you about caring for your teeth. Another way to keep your teeth healthy is to never put anything in your mouth that doesn’t belong. Whether it’s your fingernails, toys, keys, or a friend’s finger, it doesn’t belong in your mouth! Breaking or losing a tooth because of an accident is painful, makes it harder to eat and talk, and can cause dental problems for years.

Make sure to always wear a helmet when riding bikes, scooters, or skateboards, and wear mouthguards whenever they are recommended for sports. Don’t use your teeth to tear open packages, or to hold items so you can use your hands. Being mindful of how you use your mouth will help you keep a healthy smile for your whole life.

For more ideas and information on how to keep your teeth bright and healthy, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

The ABCs of Cavities

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At FlutterPop, we talk a lot about taking good care of teeth. Practicing good oral health is an important step in your body’s overall health. When teeth have problems, it’s harder to talk and chew, and infections can cause fevers and severe pain. The best way to avoid cavities is to brush twice a day, floss once a day, drink plenty of water, and visit the dentist twice a year. Read our 10 Habits of Good Tooth Care for more ways to maintain a healthy smile. 

Even with everything we know about caring for teeth, cavities do still happen. When kids get cavities, it’s often because they aren’t brushing properly, aren’t flossing, or aren’t practicing good habits. Sometimes, though, cavities occur because of genetics and tooth enamel that is more prone to decay. Your dentist can discuss the options with you if this is the case for your child.

What Are Cavities?

Cavities happen when bacteria break through the enamel to create a hole in a tooth. The cavity itself is an infection, and bacteria has now invaded areas that should have been protected. The cavity is a permanently damaged part of the tooth and will get worse if left untreated.

When a cavity first starts, there might not be any symptoms. But as it gets worse, symptoms include tooth pain, sensitivity to hot or cold food and drinks, visible holes or black spots on teeth, and pain when chewing. Most cavities can be caught right away if your child is going to the dentist once every 6 months, which makes the treatment much easier.

What is the Treatment for Cavities?

When the dentist finds a cavity, either on the tooth surface or through X-rays, he or she will schedule a follow up appointment to treat the cavity. The treatment for a cavity is to clean the affected area and then fill it with a material that restores the tooth to its original shape and function. Once a cavity has been filled, the area that was affected won’t decay any further, unless another part of the tooth develops a cavity.

Pediatric Dentists typically use nitrous oxide to get the child ready for treatment. If the cavity is new, this “laughing gas” might be the only thing the dentist uses before applying the drill. If the cavity is a little deeper, or your child isn’t responding to the gas, a shot of Novocaine may also be necessary to numb the mouth. Pediatric dentists will generally work quickly and speak to the child throughout the process to keep a calm but upbeat mood during treatment. The dentist will finish his or her work with a filling, and then it’s all done!

What Kind of Filling Will Be Used?

The two most common types of fillings are amalgam and composite. Metal, silver, gold, and even porcelain are other filling materials, but these are much more expensive, so they are not used very often. Always check with your insurance if the dentist offers a choice, as there may be coverage for one but not the other.

Amalgam is silver in color and is a combination of metals. These fillings have been in use for over 100 years, so they are known to be effective. If the filling is going into a permanent tooth, an amalgam filling will last up to 15 years. The dentist will be able to tell during checkups if the filling needs to be replaced. Because amalgams are more noticeable with their silver color, not everyone likes having them, but they are usually more affordable.

Composite fillings are made from a compound of ceramic and plastic. These are white fillings, so they blend in with the natural tooth color and are more attractive. Composite materials are flexible and reach further into the tooth, which means less drilling. While many people prefer these fillings because they aren’t noticeable after treatment, they usually need to be replaced within 7 years, which can make them less convenient. Composite materials are more expensive, but they are often still covered by insurance.

Once the treatment is over, it’s important to follow the dentist’s instructions about eating and drinking for the rest of that day. If your child’s mouth is numb, remind him or her to be careful not to bite down on the cheek or tongue. Most people can resume normal eating and drinking the same day a cavity is filled. Once it’s all over, continue practicing vigilant oral healthcare to prevent any additional cavities.

FlutterPop believes that great oral health is an important part of the whole body’s health. For more information about keeping teeth healthy, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Tooth Fairy Tips: 10 Habits of Good Tooth Brushers

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Teeth play a major role in our overall health. Not only are they a vital step in food digestion, but healthy teeth are a major line of defense against harmful bacteria that can invade the bloodstream. We’ve put together a list of 10 Habits of Good Tooth Care that will help families keep those pearly whites sparkling for a lifetime.

  1. Oral hygiene starts in infancy. Bacteria are present even in the smallest baby’s mouth. It’s important for parents to gently clean their infant’s gums with a clean wet cloth. Babies should never be put to bed with a bottle, as this can allow bacteria to quickly grow in the liquids that pool in their mouths.
  2. Good brushing takes practice. Parents should begin teaching their toddlers how to brush their teeth using a training toothpaste that is safe to swallow. Toddlers need to practice and get used to holding the toothbrush. But parents should follow up by brushing after their child brushes until parent and dentist agree that the child can brush on his own, which could be around age 6 or 7.
  3. Brush teeth every morning. While it’s still up for debate whether brushing before or after breakfast is best, teeth definitely need to be brushed every morning. If you do wait until after breakfast to brush your teeth, it’s best to wait about 30 minutes so that tooth enamel isn’t still weakened from acids in the food. A better compromise may be to brush as soon as you wake up, and then drink a glass of water after eating.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is essential to keep the body running at its best, and this includes oral health. Water after meals will keep acids and sugars moving away from teeth and gums so they don’t have time to dig in and cause harm.
  5. Avoid foods high in sugar. Sugar might be delicious, but too many sweets are hard on teeth. Sugar turns into acid in the mouth, and this acid is what attacks tooth enamel to cause cavities.
  6. Eat foods that are good for the mouth. Foods that are high in calcium help teeth remineralize, which is how they recover from acid in other foods. Crunchy fruits and vegetables have a high water content, which stimulates saliva and keeps bacteria moving away from teeth and into the digestive tract.
  1. Brush before bed. Brushing teeth before going to sleep removes the day’s bacteria from teeth so that it can’t harden into plaque, which causes cavities and gum disease. To make sure the mouth can rest easy overnight, avoid eating or drinking anything other than water after bedtime brushing.
  2. Floss every day. Flossing between teeth will help to remove food particles that get stuck, and it will clear the bacteria that your toothbrush can’t reach. Daily flossing is important for avoiding cavities between the teeth and gum disease.
  3. Remember the tongue and gums. The bacteria in your mouth don’t just live on your teeth. They camp out all over the place, so it’s important to gently care for the tongue and gums, just as much as you care for your teeth. Most toothbrushes have rubber nubs on the backside of the head that is made for brushing over the tongue. Mouthwash is similar to floss in that it can reach spaces that a toothbrush can’t. Talk to a pediatric dentist before allowing a child to use mouthwash, though, as swallowing it can be harmful.
  4. Visit the dentist twice a year. While the majority of oral health maintenance takes place at home, dental checkups are an essential component. Starting in infancy, the dentist will be on the lookout for potential problems and will reinforce good habits. Catching potential cavities before they start with regular cleanings will prevent painful and expensive treatments later. By taking care of teeth at home and keeping regular dental appointments, you and your kids will have a great experience with the dentist that supports healthy teeth and gums for life.

There you have it, 10 Habits of Good Tooth Care! If you’d like more tips and tools for caring for teeth, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

When Will I Lose My First Tooth? (And Other Big Questions From Kids About Losing Teeth!)

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If it seems like all your friends and all the kids in your class are losing teeth, you probably have teeth on your mind all the time! When will I lose my first tooth? How do teeth come out? How many teeth will I lose? Which one will come out first? We know you probably have a lot of questions about losing teeth, and here at FlutterPop, we want to make sure you have all the right answers!

When Does the First Tooth Fall Out?

You probably don’t remember getting your baby teeth, but it happens at different times for everyone. Losing teeth is also different for everyone. Most kids lose their first tooth sometime after their 6th birthday, but some kids are 7 before they lose their first tooth!

Sometimes, permanent teeth take a little longer to get themselves ready, which can make your baby teeth wait to fall out. But other times, permanent teeth are in a hurry to grow into their spot in your mouth, so they push the baby teeth right out of the way! When you visit the dentist, he or she will take pictures of your teeth and jawbones called X-rays, and then you’ll be able to see where your permanent teeth are. Your dentist can tell you if your baby teeth are going to start getting loose soon, so go ahead and ask about it during your check-up. If you’re getting ready for your very first tooth fairy visit, go to our shop and ask your parents to get you a special tooth pillow for your tooth exchange.

How Do Teeth Come Out?

Teeth have one part we can see, called the crown, and a part we can’t see, called the root. The root goes down into your gums to hold your teeth where they belong. When the permanent tooth starts pushing on the roots of a baby tooth, it makes the tooth loose. This is when you feel the tooth start to wiggle around. The tooth might not wiggle very much at first, but if you keep moving it around with your tongue, it will start to move more and more until it pops out!

It’s never a good idea to try to yank a tooth out of your mouth before it’s ready. It’s best to let the tooth get ready on its own so that a gentle tug is all you need to finally make it come out. Part of the root might break off and stay down in the gums, but that’s okay. The root will dissolve all by itself without you even knowing or feeling a thing!

How Many Teeth Will I Lose?

When you were born, you had 20 baby teeth already in your gums! Once those teeth started pushing their way into your mouth, your permanent teeth began to form. There are 32 permanent teeth, if you can believe it. Your 6-year molars come in right around the same time you start losing your first baby teeth.

Molars are the flat teeth at the back of your mouth where you do most of your chewing. 6-year molars are the first of your permanent teeth that never had baby teeth before them. While you’ll lose all 20 baby teeth and notice those new permanent teeth growing in where they fell out, you’ll also feel other molars growing in all by themselves.

Which Teeth Will I Lose First?

The first teeth that most kids lose are the very front top and bottom teeth. These are called incisors, and they are sharp for biting into food. Hopefully, your permanent incisors will come in fast, or else it will be hard to eat things like apples, pizza, and corn on the cob! Don’t worry, you can always cut these foods up to eat while you wait for your new teeth.

You’ll probably notice a pattern of losing your teeth from front to back. Even though a lot of them will come out that way, you really could lose them in any order. Sometimes, you’ll lose a lot of teeth pretty close together. There’s nothing to be afraid of, though. Those permanent teeth are on their way, and you’ll have strong, sharp teeth very soon!

Are you close to losing your first tooth? Then it’s time to learn all about the tooth fairy! Visit our Tooth Fairy tales to read all about this busy fairy. Ask your parents to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for even more stories!