The Flutter Blog is Full of Tooth Fairy Tales

Want to learn more about the Tooth Fairy? Did you know that the Tooth Fairy collects over 300,000 teeth per night! Wow! That’s a lot of teeth! Did you ever wonder where all those teeth go? You can find that out and more when you read our Tooth Fairy tales on the FlutterBlog.

Top 10 Tooth Fairy Costumes for Halloween

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Trick or treat? Pirates steal your treats and ghosts only offer tricks, but the Tooth Fairy always leaves a nice surprise for you under your pillow. That’s why dressing up in a Tooth Fairy Costume for Halloween is a naturally popular choice for both children and adults. The character not only represents a long-standing tradition but promotes healthy dental habits for children world wide. Since Flutterpop is the resource for all things Tooth-Fairy, the team here wanted to put together the top ten Tooth Fairy costumes in preparation for All Hallows’ Eve next month


Tooth Fairy Costumes for Children

Halloween is one of the most anticipated days for children across the United States, not only do you get to dress up as your favorite characters, but you get to collect candy throughout the day. When picking a Halloween Costume for your child, the options are limitless and at times overwhelming. For Halloween this year, why not chose a Tooth Fairy costume for your child? The Tooth Fairy makes the journey of losing teeth fun and magical, so order one these Tooth Fairy costumes for children below.



White Tooth Fairy Costume

This pearly white tutu is as white as a healthy tooth! Your child will remind everyone to brush their teeth after eating their treats, and you’ll be thanked later by all the parents in the neighborhood.






Blue Tooth Fairy Costume

Blue like the sky on a bright, clear day. This tooth fairy costume for children will have everyone seeing clearly that magic is real so long as they believe!






Green Tooth Fairy Costume

This green fairy costume is a less conventional version of the Tooth Fairy.  Some kids might be green with envy when they see your child prancing around like a wood nymph. But when they realize they’re the Tooth Fairy they’ll be happy for the reminder that their fairy friend is looking out for them!






Spring Tooth Fairy Costume

Spring is the time of year when everything’s in bloom,  so it’s no surprise that the Tooth Fairy would serve as a reminder of teeth coming in like lily white flowers. Luckily, unlike flowers, permanent teeth only come in once!






Rainbow Tooth Fairy Costume

Rainbows mean everyone’s included! So this Halloween remind everyone that no matter who they are the Tooth Fairy’s on their side (and to brush their teeth, of course)!




Tooth Fairy Costumes for Adults

Watching your children on Halloween is like watching your children lose their baby teeth: anticipation, drama, and fear of trauma! Picking out the right costume, making sure your child looks good, keeping an eye out for extra scary costumes so there’s no nightmares; it’s enough to give you flashbacks! Luckily, you can wear one of these Tooth Fairy costumes for adults to make the journey of trick or treating as painless as the journey to permanent teeth. Seeing you in one of these Tooth Fairy costumes for adults will put everyone at ease, and you’ll get your fair share of gap-toothed smiles from all the boys and girls who finally get to see who’s been giving them prizes in exchange for teeth.



Adult White Tooth Fairy Costume

Your children will be standing in the light of your halo, without a worry or a frown because they’ll finally have their guardian angel…once you put on those Tooth Fairy wings, of course!






Tooth Fairy Mascot Costume

Is the Tooth Fairy herself a giant tooth? We’ll let you decide! Because on Halloween, and every other night, the Tooth Fairy takes whatever form you like.






Women’s Tooth Fairy Costume

Everyone who greets you at their doorstep will think they’ve stepped into their very own fairy tale when they see you in this dress. Pair with one of the Tooth Fairy costumes for children to make sure you share equal billing with your child instead of stealing the show!






Men’s Tooth Fairy Costume

It’s 2019; if dad wants to be a Tooth Fairy he can! With these wings, tutu, and crown, you’ll transform into the Tooth Father and everyone will believe magic is real!






Tooth Fairy Mascot Costume With Hat

If you would like a more humorous costume for adults this Halloween, look no further. This rendition of the Tooth Fairy is sure to turn heads, dress up head to toe as a wandering tooth. This costume will be the life of any party.




If you’re going to be the Tooth Fairy for Halloween you’re going to need to be prepared to answer all sorts of questions. So brush up on everything you need to know about losing your teeth, read up all about the Tooth Fairy, and commit to memory time-honored Tooth Fairy traditions. The better you play the part of the Tooth Fairy the more real she becomes!

6 Simple Tooth Fairy Rules You Didn’t Know You Needed

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Congratulations, Mom and Dad. You have diligently watched over your child as his or her mouth produced all 20 perfect little baby teeth. You followed all the helpful advice while your helpless babe struggled through the pain and discomfort of teething. Now, having barely recovered from that trauma, you get to witness each one of those hard-won battles falling out of your kid’s mouth! Not only will you celebrate with your son or daughter and encourage the removal of each incisor and molar that caused you countless sleepless nights, but you will also pay your child for this act of nature. Don your wings and grab your wand, parent. It’s time to become the tooth fairy!

Having spent the first few years of your child’s life waiting for these teeth to arrive, you may not have thought about having a plan for their impending departure. Never fear; we at FlutterPop are the experts on all things tooth fairy, and we are here to set you up for success. Follow these ­6 simple tooth fairy rules for smooth sailing through your child’s tooth loss journey.

1 – Create your plan before the first lost tooth.
You know your child will most likely lose his or her first tooth between ages 5 and 7, but it could happen at a moment’s notice. Figure out your Tooth Fairy strategy before your child loses the first tooth and stick to it through all 20 teeth, then do the same for all your children. By following this very first tooth fairy rule, you’ll eliminate sibling rivalry over differential treatment and most of the frustration that comes from forgetting how to do the job.

2 – Decide on the prize, and keep it on hand.
Remember that the reward you choose has to be replicated 20 times per child. Make sure you don’t accidentally raid college savings funds to fund tooth fairy visits! While Delta Dental’s Original Tooth Fairy Poll® found that American children receive an average of $3.70 per tooth, amounts will vary by region. Talk to the parents of your kids’ friends, especially those with older siblings, to find out the local going rate. (If they are way out of your price range, this would be a good time to find new friends for your kids!) Maybe you’ve already decided to reward with a treat or gift instead of cash. Make sure you can purchase all 20 of those gifts now so that you are never empty-handed at go time. Even if you are giving cash, keep enough on hand to get through the first mouthful. If you’re stuck for ideas, subscribe to our mailing list to get all the latest news on creative tooth fairy treats.

3 – Be practical about tooth drop protocol.
Long gone are the days of sneaking into a child’s dark room, navigating treacherous pitfalls like sharp plastic toys and wayward furniture, and sliding an undetected hand under the pillow to fish out a bare, lone tooth. A cruise through our shop will update you on all the current tooth fairy rules regarding tooth exchange devices. There are pillows, boxes, and charms all decked out in Tooth Fairy summoning decorations. Make sure to find something that comes in enough styles to suit each of your children. Once you have your tooth holder, set the drop site. If your child insists on keeping the tooth near his or her bed, place it on a bedpost or nightstand to avoid waking anyone. Otherwise, leave it on the dresser, or even in the bathroom by the toothbrushes.

4 – Set a reminder, and then set another one.
Being a good tooth fairy is all about doing the job right every time. Once you know about a lost tooth, set an alarm to make sure you exchange the tooth for the reward. If you are prone to falling asleep on the couch or emptying your brain of all adult responsibilities once the kids are in bed, maybe set two alarms. Send yourself a text message. Have a friend or relative text you at an appointed time. Maybe arrange to have a local phone service call you with a reminder. Getting the idea? Consistency is key in being a tooth fairy rule follower.

5 – Have a contingency plan.
You forgot. The tooth didn’t make it home from school. You didn’t know the tooth came out. It happens to the best of us. What’s important is how you recover. Create a few inclement weather, fairy convention, or time zone mix-up excuses that a repentant tooth fairy can issue first thing in the morning. Make sure you set plenty of reminders for the rescheduled reward date and follow through!

6 – Decide what to do with the teeth.
With tooth containers, you’ll have a keepsake that tracks each tooth for each child. Some parents are understandably a bit unnerved about keeping detached teeth and decide to throw them away. Whatever you choose, make sure to do the same thing for each child. We all know about the baby book you made for your oldest, but not the others. Tooth fairy rules clearly state that all children must be treated equally for purposes of tooth posterity.

There you have it, 6 simple tooth fairy rules for holding onto your child’s sense of wonder and magic, even as he or she passes through this phase of growing up before your eyes. If you’re excited about transitioning the Tooth Fairy’s job into the digital age, sign up for our email list and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for progress on the FlutterPop website. We are working hard on our tooth tracking technology to keep your wings fresh and fluttering for years to come!