The Flutter Blog is Full of Tooth Fairy Tales

Want to learn more about the Tooth Fairy? Did you know that the Tooth Fairy collects over 300,000 teeth per night! Wow! That’s a lot of teeth! Did you ever wonder where all those teeth go? You can find that out and more when you read our Tooth Fairy tales on the FlutterBlog.

The Tooth Fairy in Literature

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Tooth Fairy Doubt? Just Look in a Book!

While modern day adults might automatically use Google as their encyclopedia, parents know that when kids have a question, the wise choice is almost always to look it up in a book. Books provide a story and (usually) pictures. Books connect with the senses of touch, sight, and smell, which helps children develop emotionally. Books can be read a million times without changing, and they can be easy to memorize.

Losing teeth is a time of uncertainty for a young child. It might be scary, painful, uncomfortable, or unexpected. After tooth loss, a child’s mouth feels different, the mirror’s reflection is different, and new teeth look different. The tooth fairy is known to help make the whole tooth loss experience a positive one. Books can be just as magical in helping kids learn about tooth loss and getting comfortable with this time of change. We have many books in our shop to help parents and kids find just the right story for their family.

The Tooth Fairy and Modern Friends

Familiarity goes a long way in making kids comfortable with new ideas. When kids see their favorite characters from a TV or book series losing teeth or learning about the tooth fairy, it makes the whole thing seem more relatable. Peppa Pig, a character who generates over $1 billion in retail revenue, came out with a tooth fairy book in 2018 that is sure to excite her many fans.

Parents who grew up in the 1980s can enjoy a little nostalgia while reading about The Berenstain Bears and the Tooth Fairy. While the current version was published in 2012, the original work from 1981, The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist, is also a great read!

Whether your child loves Pete the Cat or Fancy Nancy, our shop is sure to help you prepare for this exciting journey with your little one.

Is the Tooth Fairy Common in Books?

The popular book website Goodreads lists 83 books about the tooth fairy. Most are children’s books, with a few young adult thrillers thrown in for good measure. It seems that writing about the tooth fairy wasn’t very popular until the 1990s, and most books were written within the past 15 years.

Since most of the modern books incorporate popular characters, it’s quite possible that the tooth fairy stories of earlier decades simply went out of print once their own pop culture icons fell off the radar. The good news is that there are a ton of great books available to fit your child’s imagination and style.

For up to date news on tooth fairy books and stories, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Time-Honored Tooth Fairy Traditions

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Your child’s first tooth will fall out at age six or seven, according to WebMD, and when that first incisor starts to wiggle, it can be a worrisome experience. But you want excitement, not fear! Losing teeth is a part of growing up and being healthy, but kids often don’t see that when a loose tooth makes it hard to chew and brush. Enter the Tooth Fairy. Introduce her early in your child’s life (age three or four) and you can establish long-term traditions that will have  him or her eagerly anticipating the day that first tooth pops free. Let’s take a look at some tried and true Tooth Fairy traditions and practical tips for bringing her to life. 

Weave a Magical Tale

The Tooth Fairy has long been an oral tradition, a fairy tale, a bedtime story passed down from parents to children, and from generation to generation. Spinning a story from your child’s bedside is a great way to add your own details and start your own family traditions. It also gives you a chance to pause and explain good brushing and flossing habits, tying the Tooth Fairy directly to the morning and/or nightly routine. You can even say that you’ve seen the Tooth Fairy, met her, or talked to her on the phone, helping her come alive in your child’s imagination. 

And if spontaneous storytelling isn’t your strong suit, don’t worry. There are plenty of books and movies that feature the Tooth Fairy and promote good dental hygiene. Even after you’ve introduced her, you can use these storytelling tools to build anticipation for those first few loose teeth.

Prepare the Gifts

You know the drill. It’s been the same since you lost your first tooth. It goes under the pillow and in the morning, there’s money. Even though the value of a baby tooth has fluctuated over the years, parents have consistently swapped teeth for coins and bills, and that’s because it works. However, it’s a good idea to carefully consider the amount (because the Tooth Fairy can teach kids a lot about money) or  whether you want to leave something other than cash, like small toys, gift cards, or fun dental supplies. Keep these treasures hidden in a safe place and have them ready beforehand. If your child suddenly loses a tooth in the middle of the night, you want to be prepared! Keep your eye on the latest Tooth Fairy trends for new, exciting gift ideas.

Remember that kids talk at school and on the playground. Have an explanation in mind to explain discrepancies in money and/or gifts. Maybe the Tooth Fairy gives different gifts for different types of teeth or particularly clean ones. 

Ensure a Smooth Swap

After a few lost teeth, you’ll have the Tooth Fairy running like a well-oiled machine, but the first time can be rocky if you don’t have a tooth-swap plan in place. Tradition encourages children to place teeth under their pillows, but this can be tricky to access without waking them. Try a tooth pillow, which can hang neatly on a bedpost or doorknob, or a special storage box on the nightstand or dresser. This way, the Tooth Fairy can come silently in and out without any disturbances. 

Have a Backup Plan

Sometimes a child might lose a tooth and hide it without telling you. Sometimes you might just forget to call the Tooth Fairy and make the swap. Whatever the reason, if your child wakes up to find his or her tooth still intact, there might be disappointed and worry (on top of being toothless!), so you’ll want to have an explanation ready. “Oh, the Tooth Fairy called,” you could say, “and she got sick yesterday, but will be back tonight!” Or: “I heard that a ton of kids lost teeth yesterday and the Tooth Fairy got swamped with work.” You could even have your child write a letter checking on the Tooth Fairy to make sure she’s okay. Whatever you do, be creative and ensure your child that she will be back around to collect that tooth.

Starting a relationship with the Tooth Fairy is an exciting time for children, one that will influence the way they view dental health for their entire childhood. It’s also a great experience to share with your child, bringing you closer together as you guide them through the anxiety-inducing process of losing teeth. When it comes to tips, guides, news and all things Tooth Fairy, we’re your go-to source, so keep up with our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages for the latest Tooth Fairy developments.

Top Tooth Fairy Tips & Tools

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Yes, she’s magical. Of course, she’s generous. But did you know that the Tooth Fairy is an innovator, too? She’s constantly finding new ways to captivate young minds and promote dental health, whether through technology, fun products, or creative new ideas. Your child knows and loves the Tooth Fairy. He or she has no doubt spent time shimmying a loose tooth and imagining her midnight foray into their room, and even the gift she’ll leave behind. Technological advances and new accessories have made it possible to bring that imagination to life, enhancing the Tooth Fairy experience from start to finish, from loose tooth to the under-pillow treasure. Try one (or more) of these recent trends for an unforgettable Tooth Fairy visit.

Go Digital

Capture the dental sprite in action with a simple photo editing app. Choose from various Tooth Fairy poses, then superimpose one of them on a photo of your sleeping child. Watch their eyes light up as they see the Tooth Fairy fluttering above the bed. And if they’re disappointed to have missed her, no worries! You can contact her directly as well. At Flutterpop, we’re tight with the Tooth Fairy, and we’re happy to pass along your child’s message. Or, you can download an app that delivers special texts and voicemails to her. She may be busy, but she’s always on top of her inbox and responds to every message she receives. 

Ditch the Cash

According to Marketwatch, the 2019 average tooth-to-money rate was $3.70. But sometimes a non-cash gift can be worth a lot more in sentiment. The Tooth Fairy is more than willing to get creative with her gifts. Leaving a gift card or homemade coupon for one of your child’s favorite things – like a local eatery, children’s museum, or amusement park – will show that the Tooth Fairy knows  him or her personally and give you an excuse for a fun outing. Tooth-friendly treats are another great option. Or, consider leaving fun new dental supplies. A toothbrush themed with a favorite character or brightly-colored floss will get your child excited about tooth care. Along with any of these gifts, a hand-written note from the Tooth Fairy (on tiny paper, of course), will make any child eager for her next visit.

Change Up the “Under-Pillow” Experience

Tradition has long encouraged kids to stash teeth underneath their pillows, but in reality, the Tooth Fairy doesn’t care where she finds them. Try out a tooth pillow or keepsake box instead. Tooth pillows are colorful, customizable cushions that slip easily over a doorknob or bedpost. They come in a variety of characters and have special pockets for tooth storage. Keepsake boxes give your child a special tooth container so they can rest assured that the lost tooth is safe. If you’re looking for a fun weekend craft, you can even help your child create their own.

Leave Evidence Behind

Nothing makes the Tooth Fairy come alive like evidence of her visit. When your child wakes up to glittery footprints on the shelf or pixie dust on the nightstand, they’ll know that just hours before, a magical guest graced the bedside. Couple that with a tiny note from the fairy herself and there will be no doubt that she stopped by. 

Every generation and culture has  its own Tooth Fairy traditions, and she’s always finding new ways to bring joy to recently toothless children. Try a few of these tips and your child will experience the Tooth Fairy’s magic like never before. We’re always on top of the latest Tooth Fairy trends and tools, so for an endless supply of ideas, lessons, and dental knowledge, follow Flutterpop on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Quiet on the Set, the Tooth Fairy is Here!

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Friday is movie night, when the whole family curls up on the couch with popcorn bowls and healthy snacks. The lights are dim, the blankets are out, everything is ready. There’s only one thing left to do: choose a movie. Don’t fall victim to the endless Netflix scroll! If your child recently lost a tooth and is pining for the magical sprite to be on her way with tiny gifts, a Tooth Fairy film is a great option. These big-screen portrayals are entertaining for children and adults alike. 

Rise of the Guardians

If you’re looking for an animated gem, Rise of the Guardians is your pick. This Dreamworks flick tells the story of several festive figures, including Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Sandman, and our personal favorite, the Tooth Fairy, as they team up to stop a villain named Pitch Black. Released to impressive critical reception, Rise of the Guardians garnered several award nominations, including one for Best Animated Feature Film at the Golden Globes. The Tooth Fairy, a cute, hummingbird-like critter voiced by Isla Fisher, is a bouncy, bubbly spin on the tradition, with an important role in the film.

The Tooth Fairy

When you think of the Tooth Fairy, you probably don’t think bulging muscles and a chiseled jaw. But Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson trades his typical action hero role for wings and a smile in this heartwarming feature. Johnson plays a hard-hitting, no-nonsense hockey player forced to “serve time” as a Tooth Fairy. This one is sure to get some laughs from your kids, and watching the former WWE-superstar flutter around will get some from you too.

The Tooth Fairy 2

That’s right. They made another one. Only this time, it’s not a hockey-padded Dwayne Johnson, but a denim-clad Larry the Cable Guy. The comedian of “Blue Collar Comedy Tour” fame dons a pink tutu and wand in this sequel, where his Tooth Fairy disbelief lands him in the role himself. Like its predecessor, this movie is full of silly moments and lessons about the value of childlike belief. Kids will love its slapstick comedy, and adult fans of Larry the Cable Guy will enjoy seeing some of the humor that made him famous.


The early 2000s saw the Disney Channel churn out classics like High School Musical and The Cheetah Girls, but the 90s had some made-for-TV treasures as well. Case in point: Toothless. Here, we see Kristie Allie as a successful dentist who passes away and ends up in Limbo, where she must earn her way to Heaven by performing “community service” as the Tooth Fairy. Allie’s character will get kids excited about the Tooth Fairy while teaching what’s important in life.

Santa Clause 2

Okay, this one isn’t really about the Tooth Fairy, but it does feature her. If you’re nearing the holiday season and one of your children loses a tooth, here’s a portrayal you can enjoy with your eggnog. Played by Art LeFleur, the Tooth Fairy serves on the Council of Legendary Figures along with Tim Allen’s Santa and several familiar faces (Easter Bunny, Cupid, Mother Nature, etc.). LeFleur’s fairy is both humorous and good-natured, and this movie provides yet another take on his or her role in our lives, all while getting you in the holiday spirit.

The Hairy Tooth Fairy

In Spanish folklore, the Tooth Fairy sometimes isn’t a fairy at all, but a rodent – a friendly, tooth-collecting rat named Ratoncito Pérez. This Spanish-Argentine animated comedy explores that tradition with levity, humor, and suspense. If you love foreign films, cute critters, and engaging with different cultural legends, The Hairy Tooth Fairy is a fantastic choice. Not only will it present a new, intriguing perspective on our fairy friend, but it can also help children study a new language!

Popular culture is expanding the Tooth Fairy’s story all the time, giving us plenty of sidesplitting, zany representations. The commonality between them? Every Tooth Fairy, from The Rock to Ratoncito Perez, loves teeth in tip-top shape. Each of these films offers a chance to teach about good, consistent dental health. For tips, ideas, and stories that go beyond movie night, make sure to follow Flutterpop on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Must-Have Tooth Fairy Products

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After days of nervous wiggling and cautious chewing, that tooth finally popped out. Your child’s nervousness has instantly melted away into the excitement of a sudden realization: “We have to get ready for the Tooth Fairy!” The tooth’s liberation means that it’s as good as gold, ready to exchange for money or gifts. All that’s left is to patiently wait for the Tooth Fairy’s arrival. Then, after she’s come and gone, and left behind a shiny coin or other gifts, the waiting game begins again. 

But anticipation and excitement don’t need to be confined to intermittent nights. Keep the joy alive year-round with Tooth Fairy supplies and gifts. These are some can’t-miss products that will help your child prep for the big night and serve as a constant reminder to maintain good dental habits. 

Tooth Pillows

Slipping that lone tooth under a pillow is the tried and true way to notify the Tooth Fairy, but a customized tooth pillow can be easier and more fun for everyone involved. These small pillows can hang on a doorknob or bedpost, or sit bedside for easy access. Plus, they have a special tooth pocket for safekeeping and come in all kinds of fun designs and characters. If you’re looking for a fun weekend craft, you can even help your child make their own, so they can customize it with a special message for the Tooth Fairy. Tooth pillows make it easy to find the tooth and leave a gift, so the Tooth Fairy can make the rest of her stops in time. 

Keepsake Boxes

More than anything, the Tooth Fairy wants to keep teeth safe. She doesn’t take them for her own collection – she stores and protects them in a special location. Keepsake boxes give your child a personalized container to stash under their pillow, or provides parents a safe place to save baby teeth as mementos. Small, wooden boxes make the tooth-for-gift exchange a breeze, and they give your child peace of mind that the Tooth Fairy will have easy access to the tooth. Some larger compartmentalized containers let you store all of these tiny mementos in one safe place. 

Tooth Albums

Each tooth holds a memory, a distinct snapshot of a moment in your child’s life, so why not preserve them like photos? Tooth albums are a perfect way to keep these memories secure. They have spots for each tooth along with spaces for dates, notes, toothless photos, and more, all in a book-sized album that fits easily on your shelf. Each time you open it will be a walk down memory lane, a retelling of the day your son’s tooth came out in an apple, or your daughter’s while playing soccer. 

Fairy Doors

Give the Tooth Fairy her own personalized bedroom entrance by installing a special pint-sized door. Your child can decorate it and leave secret messages for the Tooth Fairy, inviting her into  his or her room. These doors attach safely and securely to any wall, so you can find the best entry point. And when your child opens the door, they’ll get a whimsical look into the fairy world. This small addition will turn any bedroom into a magical romping ground for children and fairies alike. 

Tooth Fairy Books

What better way to get excited about the Tooth Fairy than by reading stories about her? Books give a glimpse into her enchanting life and get children excited for her arrival. As soon as a baby tooth starts to wiggle, sit down with one of our favorite Tooth Fairy books and feed your child’s imagination with funny, fantastical tales. They’ll want to read it again and again as they wait for her visit. Plus, these books are rife with lessons about brushing, flossing, and healthy tooth habits. 

With these accessories, the Tooth Fairy experience isn’t confined to one night. It’s a continuous cycle of excitement and anticipation that brings her even more to life. And with eagerness for the Tooth Fairy comes eagerness for good dental habits. Each toy, game, and book also serves as a reminder that the Tooth Fairy loves healthy teeth and good hygiene. For the latest in Tooth Fairy products and news, follow Flutterpop on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.